Marco Fornaro

I am an engineer, a hypnotist, a coach, an intellectual, but above all I am a person who has always lived very intensely


+353-85-7413235 (WHATSAPP)

Miriam wakes up at noon – Chapter Seven – ACCUSE! ALWAYS!, even without foundation

2025-01-12 14:39

Marco Fornaro

LOVE, SOCIETY, AAP (Anti Addictions Protocols), 4WOMEN, The Dark World,

Miriam wakes up at noon – Chapter Seven – ACCUSE! ALWAYS!, even without foundation

Of the various recurring practices to which Miriam subjected me, the one I describe here was the one I personally found the most painful.


Of the various recurring practices to which Miriam subjected me, the one I describe here was the one I personally found the most painful.

Miriam was convinced, and rightly so, that there was a conspiracy behind her back to harm her in various ways. The most common fear was that she would be reported and/or signaled to public security by distorting real events or inventing evidence from scratch. Almost equally feared was the conspiracy to take away her clients and/or connections with people vital to her business, by putting her in a bad light or sowing suspicions about her.

The ultimate goal of the conspiracies was nonetheless one: to get her out of the way, to have her end up in jail again, or to force her to disappear from circulation forever.

Her fear of conspiracies, which by definition are made by people close to the victim, either professionally or emotionally, pushed her to make scenes in which she fiercely accused me of something, and the accusations could be, and normally were, absurd, literally implausible to the point of being ridiculous.

For example, she had accused me several times of having made an agreement with a person with whom I had had enormous conflicts, who had caused me significant economic damage, and whose crimes against me I had formally reported to public security.

Now, how can one think that I would make an agreement with a person with whom I have an ongoing legal case?...and for what purpose? To harm the woman I am in love with?

It is an evidently unfounded accusation, even ridiculous!, so ridiculous that it is even difficult to find an analogy.

Unfortunately, any logical argument was dismissed as an excuse, an alibi, and if the accusations were based on "they told me," it was neither possible to identify the source nor the circumstances. In reality, they were not accusations; in Miriam's enunciation, they were already unappealable sentences.

Even though I rationally realized from the beginning that it was a technique, a method to "test" a close person and the object of confidences, I never managed not to suffer emotionally from it...AND A LOT!


Professional World Changer @ I do not mind about Rights, but will prosecute Liars 

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