Marco Fornaro

I am an engineer, a hypnotist, a coach, an intellectual, but above all I am a person who has always lived very intensely


+353-85-7413235 (WHATSAPP)

Letter to my friend Stefano - Part 3

2025-01-23 10:45

Marco Fornaro


Letter to my friend Stefano - Part 3

Even though you were dead, it was as if you were always there beside me, reminding me that without your help...


Even though you were gone, it was as if you were always there beside me, reminding me that without your help, at that delicate moment of human growth, I could have ended up succumbing to my inadequacy and frustrations.

You had protected me from bullies on several occasions, taught me not to fear confrontation on the street, explained the basics of rhetoric in verbal clashes between kids, showed me how to set up a gym with little money in a garage and what exercises to do to stimulate my child's body, taught me how to approach a girl, how to make an impression, how to behave on a first date (honestly, these were things I don't remember doing in any other life).

You were that older brother I desperately needed at that moment, and every time I contemplated my new life as an emerging professional, I wondered what would have happened if you hadn't been there to teach me to have confidence in myself regardless of the results at the time.

Then my mind would stop, and I would try to push you back into oblivion because I didn't know how to repay you, as it had become impossible even to thank you in person.

The reason I'm contacting you only now is precisely this; now perhaps I know what to do to repay you, if not directly to you, at least towards the people (and souls) who have suffered a fate similar to yours, burning through a life that could have been wonderful to live (and fruitful for development) in a short time.

Dear Stefano, the silent memory of you has influenced me to the point that, now at 50 springs, I have decided to change my life, finally following my true inclination, which happens to coincide with my "mission" in this earthly life.

I have used all my resources, starting with the money I earned from a profession that, although I liked it, was neither native nor familiar to me but had become my choice for economic reasons.

First, I invested substantial sums of money, committed my time, changed the plans of a lifetime, to qualify as a LIFE_COACH/TRANSCENDENT_HYPNOTIST/WRITER, and as I write these lines, I can confirm a harmonious transition from the PROFESSIONAL_IT life!...........AND….

I understood my vocation in my new life ….and…AT THAT MOMENT YOU CAME TO MIND! STEFANO!...And I made a LIFE CHOICE, the most IMPORTANT one.

Being of help to human beings/souls who have followed a path similar to yours will be my ultimate goal in this life, the one that, as you well know, is polarizing for the current life…in practice…THE SACRED MISSION OF MY LIFE IS TO HELP PEOPLE LIKE YOU, STEFANO!


Professional World Changer @ I do not mind about Rights, but will prosecute Liars 

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