When I think about my life before I was aware of my true mission, its meaning appears clear to me, which was to prepare me!, for this!
I don't want to add any unnecessary details here, just know that I MYSELF FOLLOWED YOUR PATH but I found how to get out of it, how to COME OUT OF THAT HELL (Yes dear soul, with a standard human body and without any "trick", I did it! :-D ) ... and now I am ready to teach others how to do it.
I will make sure that the human race understands how to effectively fight this cancer, Stefano, to the point that tragedies like your human story, outrages to souls like yours, become such a remote memory as to doubt its real existence.
This is why I decided to write to you Stefano, I wanted a confirmation, a sign, and maybe some information, from the soul that has most influenced my current earthly life.
And I know that only YOU can answer me Stefano, ONLY YOU.
I don't know anything about your soul Stefano, I don't even know if it's part of my "inner circle", if we incarnated together in multiple lives, or if we only started interacting in this one, maybe we are two strangers, but there are too many things, too many clues that convince me that you and I, or rather my soul and yours, were in agreement well before my birth, on many things.
The funny thing, Stefano, is that in reality I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO ASK YOU! They have inhibited any "serious" perceptive ability, I know nothing about how my current life was planned, starting with the main objectives!
I KNOW NOTHING Stefano, apparently it is just a life path badly planned by me on the clumsy advice of my Guides, but I know that it is not like that: Too many unusual things, too many extra-life impulses, too many “strange” soul paths around me, too many suspicious coincidences.
Then my body: I remember very well that I am considered a reference in designing human bodies (even if I have certainly had much more experience with female bodies) and I recognize my “signature” in my current body… but… again there is something strange, something that I DON’T UNDERSTAND!
That is, I am sure that I was the one who designed this body but I cannot understand the goals I had when I designed it! I feel like a painter who observes a painting, recognizes it as his, but cannot remember what was the inspiration that made him paint it, nor when/how/why he produced it, nor even the “message” he wanted to convey!
I have so many unanswered questions, but there is one thing that seems absolutely clear to me: If there is a soul that can help me right now, it IS YOU!...ONLY YOU!
Please, make yourself heard in some way, and give me the information I need NOW, IN THIS LIFE...but above all FAST.