I have to go home from the hospital, I call my usual friend (if He hadn't been there in this period I literally don't know what would have happened), both he and his daughter have problems picking me up early but then I realize that it's not necessary, I'm in the main hospital in the province of Treviso, perfectly served by public transport, and I can easily move around.
When I leave the hospital I look like I came out of a horror movie: I have a large bandage on my head and the traces of the fight are clearly visible on my face, the copious blood loss has been mostly absorbed by my hair, which I've started to keep long, and it has coagulated increasing the volume of my head, all this together with the bandage gives me a kind of elephant-man-beaten-to-bleed look.
The t-shirt was cut by the nurses so as not to risk it dragging with the wounds, especially on the head, and when I was discharged I was given a shirt/jacket like those worn by healthcare workers, and in a color I hate: Purple!
Under the astonished gaze of passers-by, I take the bus from the Hospital to Treviso Station and then Treviso to Mogliano by train, then I walk from the station to my house, practically crossing the whole of Mogliano, I have a zombie-like gait.
I don't have the courage to look at my reflection in the shop windows but people's reaction when they see me speaks clearly: initially they look at me with obvious amazement but then they immediately look away trying to pretend nothing happened.
I arrive home around 10:30 and first I take care of SKY, which I had left alone and locked in my apartment, I provide water, food and lots of cuddles.
Then I undress and delicately remove the bandage, I laugh at my disturbing appearance, and I spend at least an hour and a half washing my hair repeatedly to remove the coagulated blood in pieces, the shower floor is dyed burgundy red.
In the meantime, Miriam makes herself heard via chat on WhatsApp, she asks me about things that have nothing to do with what happened, then I ask her if she knows what happened during the night, she doesn't answer me clearly but in the end she calls me and asks me to tell her everything.
Miriam decides to come and visit me in the evening and brings her "best friend", who from now on I will call Susy, who at the time was SKIZZO's girlfriend, the one who normally lent him the car.