The first time they tried to kill me, they caught me by surprise, completely off guard, while I was in a completely unusual situation... and... telling it now is laughable! I decided to recount this story in detail because numerous circumstances occurred that, in my opinion, clarify many things about the "dark world" and its surroundings, particularly the attitude of the law enforcement.
I was at home, 2:00 AM, alone in my apartment, finishing a phone call with Miriam, and it was still a good time between us, it was as if we were together even if it couldn't be said, not even between us, Miriam never tolerated a stable relationship, we were "friends"... and every now and then that thing happened... PERIOD, nor to the outside: For a number of reasons, the story between me and Miriam was a real terror for many people, and it was frowned upon by EVERYONE, both inside and outside the dark world.
However, the first problems due to her attitude began to be felt (ref. Post “fear of loving”), and she had asked me for the first time not to see each other for a day or two.
It was precisely the doorbell ringing that was the last reason to end the conversation, which was already in its final phase. Despite it being late September and the middle of the night, it was hot, very hot, I was in shorts and a t-shirt, and the air conditioners inside the house were still always on. It was Sunday, or rather the night between Sunday and Monday.
An important premise: My two dogs, Masha and Carla, were hosted by friends because a few hours earlier I had been entrusted with one of Masha's puppies (Carla's brother), his name is SKY, despite being less than a year old, he was already an adult.
The idea was that I had to teach SKY some things that his owner hadn't been able to get him to do, I don't have any dog training qualifications, but since both Masha and Carla were already trained and responded correctly to numerous commands, I was counting on the natural instinct of imitation/emulation of the "pack" behaviors to succeed in the endeavor (as indeed it was, at least for most of the objectives), and since it was the first night SKY was sleeping with me, I preferred to stay alone with him to better focus on him and make him feel less the absence of his owner, after they had delivered him to me, we had taken a long walk through the center, and I was about to go to bed.
In short, I expected everything except to hear the doorbell ring at that hour.
At the intercom, a threatening voice asked me to come down, I immediately recognized it, from now on I will call him SKIZZO, he was a person I followed, a pusher, who at the time had a real adoration for me. I ignored the reasons why he seemed so angry with me, even though there could have been at least a couple: his insane jealousy for his girlfriend and a slight I had done to the person who had recently given him hospitality.
Counting on being able to reason with him as I had managed in the past, I took the threatening tone lightly and went down without even changing, shorts and t-shirt, with an unlit cigarette in one hand and the house keys in the other, leaving even the cell phones in the apartment. But not only: I hadn't even locked the house door because I counted on SKY not being able to open it.
An important detail that to this day as I write (09/01/2024) is far from being clarified: As I was going down the stairs, I heard a female voice speaking very loudly outside, she seemed angry and was definitely addressing SKIZZO, at the moment I thought it was some neighbor and, worried, I quickened my pace and quickly opened the condominium door, almost flinging it open.
It was exactly what SKIZZO wanted, as soon as I opened it, with me still inside the building, he attacked me with a curved steel blunt object, which later turned out to be one of the tools provided with the car he used at that time, which his girlfriend normally made available to him.
The first blow hit me on the head above the left eye, almost exactly at the hairline, and caused an immediate and copious loss of blood, forcing me to keep my left hand busy stopping the bleeding for the rest of the struggle and beyond.
I manage to stem the wound and remove the blood periodically by wiping it on my clothes, and I manage to do it quickly enough to use both eyes for most of the struggle, I observe SKIZZO: despite the scorching heat, he wears dark long pants and a gray hoodie that cover his entire body and even his head, moreover, the hood is wide and in the darkness makes it easy for him to hide his face; in fact, in the first moments, I don't see his face.
I IMMEDIATELY UNDERSTAND that he came to KILL ME, not to "teach me a lesson," not to intimidate or order me something, not to steal or do anything else... he can be here at this hour, dressed that way and with that attitude for only one reason: he wants to KILL ME.
And this awareness HELPS ME: now I am not just disappointed by a thug who a few days before filled me with compliments and called me FRIEND, now I am ANGRY, it's not enough for me to escape him, NOW I WANT TO HURT HIM... A LOT.